The most important facts about our company
We stand for sustainable and innovative energy technology from Switzerland.
Our mission
At Green-Y, we are firmly convinced that sustainability and economic efficiency must be combined in order to successfully implement the energy transition. As a technology company, we see technological innovation as a fundamental building block for a sustainable future. With our focus on the development of innovative energy storage systems and compressors, we are making our contribution to the energy transition.

Green-Y in figures
Our team
Rafik Barhoumi
Co-Founder & CEO
MSc ETH Mech. Eng.
Strategy & IP
Patrick Baumann
Co-Founder & CTO
BSc FH Mech. Eng.
Design & Engineering
Dominik Schnarwiler
Co-Founder & COO
MSc ETH Mech. Eng.
Operations & Processes
Peter Fritzen
Co-Founder & CFO
Cert. Eco. Eng.
Finance & Sales
Pablo Gassmann
Development Engineer
MSc ETH Mech. Eng.
Simulation & Optimization
Mohameddeq Hassan
Design Engineer
Cert. Mech. Tech. Eng.
Construction & CAD
Pascal Zürcher
Electrical Engineer
Electronics & Controls
Dominique Brüngger
Business Expert
Cert. Property Manager
Sales & Marketing
Linus Walker
Technical Project Leader
BSc FHNW Mech. Eng.
Design & Engineering
Dominik Molnar
Engineering Specialist
BSc. FH Mech. Tech. Eng.
Design & Engineering
Joël Roth
Product Development Engineer
MSc ETH Mech. Eng.
Simulations & Engineering
Reto Schneider
Engineering Specialist
BSc. FH Mech. Eng.
Design & Engineering
Ivo Sägesser
Electrical Engineer
Electronics & Controls